Her Noise

“This whimsical diagram does more to obfuscate, rather than elucidate, the interrelationships between several generations of female experimental musicians.”
Anandaroop Roy

In 2007, the Centre for Screen Studies at the University of Manchester, in partnership with the NOVARS Research Centre, acquired the Papers of Delia Derbyshire on permanent loan from the Derbyshire estate and the composer Mark Ayres (former custodian of the archive). This material includes 267 tapes of music, principally on 10.5″ reels, which relate to Derbyshire’s work as a composer of electronic music during the 1960s and 70s; and papers such as correspondence and scores which document Derbyshire’s processes of composition and the projects she worked on.


Dr David Butler (Lecturer in Screen Studies at the University) undertook a major research project to digitise these recordings. Since the end of 2015 these recordings can be accessed in the Reading Room of the John Rylands Library via a listening device. Other digital material available includes films and sound tracks belonging to the artists Madelon Hooykaas and Elisabeth Kozmian who collaborated with Delia Derbyshire in the 1970s and 1980s.


Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
Preliminary Comments (unedited) of Archive Louis Niebur Aug 23, 07

DD010 – On the Level (tape 1)
 Opens with “alarm” like electronic pattern, which grows and fades. Fades out 1:05
 Machinelike clicking (from somewhere else) ends 2:10
 Begins again, but more gradually accretes new elements. Mostly pulsing. Ends.
 3:00 – sound like ray gun, but continues, and grows in intensity. 3:46 ends

DD011 – On the Level (tape 2)

DD012 – On the Level (tape 3)

 Opens with swooping sine tone (short)
 Then some piano and pan flute “jazz” :20-5;12 (Tubby Hayes?)
 5:30 jazz in 5/4, track ends 8:40
 second jazz track, begins (9:05
 at 11:00 right channel switches backwards talking.
 (it’s an interview with Barry Bermange, after the first 2 inventions)
 In box are clippings from Radio Times that says
 1st clipping:
 VHF & Wavelengths
  Home Service, Wrotham 93.5 (DD underlined 93.5 in red) and wrote “hum”
  330 m. (underlined in red)
  at bottom,
  Third Network
  Wrotham 91.3 Mc/s (91.3 underlined in red)
 2nd clipping
 5.0 pm Keyboard Instruments at the Brussels Conservatoire played by Aimee van de Wiele on the Delin upright harpsichord:
  pavane et Gallarde (1530) Pierre Attaignant
  Allemande grave (tombeau de Mr de Blancrocher) Ennemond Gaultier
  Bransle en faux bourdon (1540) anon
  On a positive pipe organ:
  Estampie (c. 1325), anon
  Franckurgenti – after dufay
  Madame vous aves mon cour – marc antonio da Bologna
  On the Haas harpsichord:
  Bransle de Poicton – anon
  Sarabande – Rene Mezangeau
  Les baracades Misteriouses – Couperin
  Recorded in collab. With the Belgian Broadcasting Service. Next prog. Sept 6
  3rd clipping
  10:15 Late Gothic Music
  Alfred Deller, directed by Gilbert Reaney
  Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
  Tres Doulz amis – Jean Vayllant
  Gemma nitens – anon
  He, tres doulz roussignol – Borlet
  Se je me Pleing – Machaut
  Ad honorem-Celorum – Nicholas Grenon
  J’ayme bien celui qui s’en va – Pierre Containe
  Gloria – Pycard
 (these are not on the tape)

 “Pandemonium on the Harmonium”! (DD plays with stereo effects, moving from left to
 right) ends 3:24. tape almost completely blank

DD019 – Prisons 1 Master 7.5
 :00 - :55 chanting
 :55 – low atmosphere
 2:14 – guitar and male vocal
 2:44 – solo female latin chanting (not original chant, but a combination of psalm tones
 with chromatic singing. Male voice enters at end
 3:20 – electronic sine swooping
 3:40 – low pulsing with atmosphere, creaking, and slowed tape feedback in background
 5:30 – piano, playing tonal chords, female voice “the sky above the roof top…”
 7:26 – clanging, closing prison doors? (twice) – then sea sounds, waves crashing

DD20 – Prisons 2 Master 7.5
 :00- low atmosphere
 1:33 – more low atmosphere (same as first), with new sound that enters from left and
 pans right, moves left again, and stays center, then back to the right (wind sounds
 continues in center). This pattern continues.
 5:59 – guitar and male vocal
 6:50 female dialog “much suspected of me, nothing proved can be”
 7:08 bleeps and blips playing an electronic tune. Primarily sine tones
 10:15 – male chanting with echo added. (Brian H’s voice)

DD21 – Prisons Safety Copy (DD019 and DD020 together)

DD022 Dud’s Desert 27:08
 1. Chamber instruments (flute, brass, oboe, drums, vibes) playing dramatic
 incidental music.
 Electronic tones enter at :45, high pitched singing (sine) as other instruments drop out.
 Slowly builds, at 1:00 another lower wavering drone enters (windlike)
 Electronic thunder sound plays slowly several times
 “bird” sounds at around 2:00
 build at 2:50 until trumpet nters at 3:08, and plays fanfare, last 5 notes looped slowly over
 and over
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 all fade except high sine at 3:50
 4:25 end
 2. 4:31 starts again. Exactly the same but with slightly truncated ending. Ends 8:31
 3. 8:40 electronic component alone of above without instrumental introduction
 sine and lower “wind” sound, with occasional “whistling”
 wind fades in volume
 “bird sounds”at 9:57
 build the same as before but without trumpet
 12:03 ends
 4. 12:11 orchestra begins again, no electronics this time, just orchestra, which fades
 13:31 ends
 5. 13:58, trumpet part (treated) from 3:08 with rising background
 continues long past its original duration, continuously but gradually rising and fading
 15:34 ends
 6. 15:45 background white noise texture with occasional “whistle”
 17:57 fade and end
 7. 18:05 rumbling thunder sound with bird sound.
 18:57 end
 8. 19:12 rumbling thunder sound with no bird 19:52 end
 9. 20:03 high pitched buzzing sound 22:00 end
 10. 22:10 low slowly pulsating rumbling from 2:10 on. (no build here, but constant
 level) 23:41 end. Combination of 11 and 12?
 11. 23:48 make up for 10. 25:13 end (exhaling quality)
 12. 25:18 make up for 10. 27:06 end

DD023 – Delia: Nature for Elsa from Kal – FX
 Sound effect reel
 Opens with pulses (like an engine starting)
 6:18 – electronic wavering (like high soprano singing glissandi)
 8:40 – lowering wavering with vibrato
 10:30 – high wavering returns, with new variations
 DD024 – KPM C2 + perc – for oblongs & industrial + frills (15”? recorded at 15”)
 At very end, (30:00) Delaware sounds, and bit of Dr Who opening.

DD025 – K&Q 2 (?)
 Voice duo (King and Queen) speaking(unedited, some mistakes, and no music) (see also

DD026 – “water penny studio,” “speech”
 Women’s voices, echoed and treated “listen to it rain while regret and distain…etc”
 1:26 – Poem“It’s Raining” by Guillaume Apollinaire: “it is raining women’s voices as if they were dead, even in memory” Treatments of woman’s voice is processed with electronic tones.
 2:49 – faster women’s voice with electronic tone treatment
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 4:04 –woman’s voice, untreated.
 7:20 – descending singing women’s voices “It’s Raining”
 again, as at 2:49
 at 15:00ish, Delia comments that the reader is “a bit posh”
 24:00 – synth keyboard sounds begin, noodling. Sounds very modern. Ends 26:18

DD027 Mozart Serenade No. 10 in B flat Major (“Gran Partita”), K. 361 (K. 370a)
 1. Largo – Allegro molto
 2. Menuetto – Trio I – Trio II
 3. Adagio

DD027 Mozart Serenade No. 10 in B flat Major, pt. 2
 4. Menuetto (allegretto)
 5. Romanza (Adagio)
 6. Thema mit Variationen (Andante)
 7. Rondo (Allegro molto)

DD027 Mozart Serenade disc, pt. 3
 Starts with sine noodling.
 3:27 Mozart starts, mid-way through Romanza movement.
 Moves into Theme and Variations

DD028 – Simpson/Hodgson – In a Covent Garden
 1. Arrival of the Queen of Sheba
 2. Girl with the Flaxen Hair
 3. Flight of the Bumblebee
 4. none but the weary heart
 5. allegro
 6. greensleeves
 7. sabre dance from Gayaneh
 8. skater’s waltz
 9. serenade
 10. moto perpetuo
 11. anitras dance from Peer Gynt
 12. Hall of the Mountain King

DD029 Colin’s Documentary “Notting Hill Gate”
 Doc in left channel
 Sound effects in right channel (computer bleeping), then doc backwards

DD030 Talk by R Plomp
 “Experiments on Tone Perception” – paper in tape box:
 IZF-1 A P660709 Side 1, 45 RPM
 Auditory frequency analysis
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 Combination tones
 Tonal consonance
 Institute for Perception RVO-TNO
 IZF-1 B, Side 2
 Beats of mistuned octave
 Pitch of complex tones
 Relation of timbre to frequency.
 Not for Sale, Copyright IZF 1966.

DD031 – LSD
 Opens with 500Hz tone OdB
 Label from Chappell Recording Studios
 Client: Double-R
  Subject: Split Track Copies fror Programming, Amory Kane
  15 IPR, four track master
  Engineer “ J Timperley, date 3/1/67
  LSD Trk 1 = Backing Trk 2= Strings
  “ “ “” Indian Music “ = Strings
  Miss D. Derbyshire,
  Electronic Workshop,
  10, Clifton Road
  London, W9
 3rd jan, 1968.
  Dear Miss Derbyshire,
  I am sending to you the split track tape, as agreed with Steve, of Amory Kane’s “LSD”.
  Yours sincerely,
  Sandee Thong
  PA to Steve Rowland.
  Double-R Productions LTD
  23 Old Burlington Street
  London, W1
  Tel 01-734.9942/4
  Telegrams and Cables:
  Nymph London W1
  Directors: R.M. Oppenheimer, ACA
  Steve Rowland (USA)
 American comedy song about LSD
 At 4:20, the right channel enters with Indian instruments.
 6:20 songs ends
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 6:35 – stereo version, begins with acid taking, with vocals spread out
 Sitar this time in left channel, and vocal moves to right.
 DD032- Midsummer Night’s Dream – Bottom
 Post Sync “Bottom” 18/12/67
 Reading of lines – Actor, and Brian in background saying “check”
DD033 – Tony Rowlands Demo 7 1/2
 Paper in tape box reads: style for whole series. Humility of us
 1. Pastoral (EG down arrow 2)
 2. Worshipful (eg +rts)
 3. Angels
 4. Sunrise (short) (Daedalus)
 5. “New Worlds” (Maja)
 6. Decorative, domestic, architecture. They all like – didn’t notice (Evenings)
 7. e.g. b/g mus. (Arctic) Like Appian Way of Lines of Rome Respighi
 8. Baroque reflective high one and happy (Arctic)
 9. X [crossed out] Modern Space (Liven)
 10. ? “Giacometti” type
 11. * Cubist (Quit) reflective
 12. Time Passing in a Cubist environment! Colaiceptic
 13. Tentatives 1
 14. Tentatives 2
 15. * Surrealist Nursery Tea Party
 16. * Bells as in Circle & Desert Music. “Metal Oxford” Henry Moore, Goya,
 Paolozzi, Ways of Seeing
 22:00 – Mattachin appears
 23:00 – blue veils and Golden Sands (these are taken from record)
 Switch to 15ips
 Voice says “TenM Six take one” – Brian in background
 Followed by very silly piece for organ
 Followed by other takes
 TenM Seven take one
 TenM 8 take one
 TenM 9 take one (gliss)
 TenM 10 take one
 DD034 Raven and Dove #F1B4
 1. Delaware sounding opening with a great deal of echo ends 109
 2. 1;10 wind sound, then croaking sound, rising in pitch along with wind. Raven
 fades, wind stays. New bird enters at 1:48, also rising. Fades 2:55
 3. 3:00 synth bass line enters in 4/4 time. Bird songs enter over this bass line.
 With other synth “animal” sounds.
 4. 4:22 “dance for Noah”? 5:15 ends
 5. 5:15 dance for noah starts again. 6:09
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 6. 6:10 low drone “wind” sound, builds. Sounds vaguely pitched and round.6:55
 third trumpet from “Chronicle” (RW-21) enters slowed way down. Big major
 chord. Held long time, pure sounding chord. Last 3 notes of trumpet repeated.
 8:08 fade.
 7. 8:12 croaking from 2 but without background wind, rises and fades 8:42
 8. 8:48 bird sounds from 2 but without wind. Rises and fades 9:50
 9. 9:50 wind from 2. rises like in 2 (no other sounds) ends 11:43
DD035 – Hamlet, Reel 1, 2, 3
 Brian’s voice at opening, Hamlet, Reel 1 (15ips)
 :00 – 3:44 marching sounds, horse’s hooves.
 Cue 25 3:48 – 5:29 ambient sound of horses, people, ocean waves
 Cue 27 5:37 – pigs?
 Cue 29 6:15 – Brian stops narrating the cues at this point, and they are all joined together.
 Switch to 7 1/2ips at this point as well, seems to be right, but not sure.
DD036 – Methuseleh copy Master 7 1/2
 Bird song too!
 DD037 – Methuseleh copy 2
 DD038 – Medea tp. 1
 7 1/2ips
 opens with voice in Greek, then cues, mostly abstract sound effects.
 6:02 – whooshing sound
 6:37 – growing demat sound, etc.
 7:56 – voice returns speaking in greek with echo
 8:21 – voice in english without echo or treatment
 8:50 – music (bassline, and melody with melody repeated in canon an octave lower)
 10:36 – more abstract bubbling sound with rising background wind
 11:45 – voice moans, treated with echo and delay
DD039 – Medea tp. 2 (7 1/2)
 Opens with music from DD038, 8:50
 Long leader at 6:00
 Continues with slow version of song without bass after this.
 Lots of starts and stops and interruptions.
 Followed by screams and moans
 Long leader at 14:00
DD040 – Stratford Macbeth T1&2 (7 1/2)
 Possibly makeup material?
 Hums, atmospheres, stings
 21:00 – treated amor dei chanting soprano appears
 long pauses.
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
DD041 – Dublin Macbeth (15ips) 41:00
 Very interesting opening, atmospheric (dalek backgrounds)
 Storm begins 12:50, with weird dalek backgrounds and thunder

DD042 – Macbeth Dublin 7 1/2
 Wave sounds, with occasional thunder (all synthetic)
 Wind at 12:45, and then back to waves
 After 13:30 – simulated bird bleeps
 15:14 – electronic frog sounds, then back to waves
 19:30 – frog sounds, then back to waves
 21:00 – voice saying “Macbeth” speech enters with echo, then wind
 24:40 – frog sounds, then heartbeat, then abstract atmosphere with slowed down voices
 (MacDuff chopping down forest?)

DD043 – Robin Artus: Documentary on artist Delacroix
 Total running time: 1:26. Box has “Robin Artus 804 6526” written on it

DD044 – D.D. 5
 Starts very familiar.Definitely Doctor Who sound effects. Especially around 8:00-

DD045 – Lowell 1. Lowell Tape 1
 Opens with sting
 Rumbling atmosphere. Around 2:00 lampshade enters. Fade 4:34
 4:49 – very low rumbling with creaking. Ends 6:00
 6:10 – creaky! Like a ship in a storm, with wind. 6:50, tone enters against the wind sound
 and heartbeat. At 8:40. everything but heartbeat drops out
 8:45 – high buzzing against wind and watery sound. Ends 11:10
 11:15 – restarts last cue. Ends 13:25
 13:30 – electronic chord progressions, buzzy. fade 16:23
 16:30 – slow moving electronic progression (not as chordal; two part) ends 19:21
 20:15 – pulsing with whooshing in background. Pulses like a heartbeat. Quietly, drone enters and remains. At 22:10 another more abrasive sound builds in the background against the drone and heartbeat. Fades starting at 24:10. Ends 24:32
 24:47 – quick cut, something on the tape before (must be accidental)
 25:20- creaking with wind background. Irregular heartbeat grows in background. 26:53
 lampshade appears in background. Fade 27:42
 27:58 – pulsing loud heartbeat alone. Evolves into complex rhythm by 33:00. ends 34:21
 34:40 – lampshade. Ends 38:50
 39:24 – whooshing, ocean and wind like. Ends 42:45
 43:00 – spooky voices and more creaking
 DD046 – low, thick, drum, etc.
 Long atmospheric tracks with substantial bass and occasional pulses.
 7:39 – tapping and thumping
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 10:00 – The Keller Machine!
 11:32 – textures. “The Dreams”
 12:37 – More “The Dreams.” Ends suddenly, 14:11
 14:15 – Tibetan chanting, 15:50 electronic patterns growing out of it.
 19:55 – more Tibetan chanting

DD047 – He Loathes You
 Short dialog with musical bleeps in between

DD048 – D.D. Material 11
 Recorded at both 7.5 and 15ips, because they both sound good.
 Short atmostpheric cue with “racquetball” bouncing sounds

DD049 – King and Queen
 Take 2 of radio drama (unedited and no music or effects)

DD050 – King and Queen
 Take 1 of radio drama (unedited and no music or effects)

DD051 – Lowell 3
 14:05 – lampshade with mysterious windy sounds in background. Ends 16:23
 16:32 – high pitched buzzing. Other buzzing enters over it, and throbs. Ends 19:12
 19:27 – distorted heatbeat, racing. Lampshade enters under it in background. Ends 21:39
 21:51 – drumming over simple tune. Like earlier harmonium tune, it’s based on “Anchors
 Away”, ends with “star spangled banner”. ends 23:10
 23:16 – irregular heartbeat and wind. At 23:46, middle-eastern sounding flute enters,
 distorted. Treated voice, lowered way down, singing up scale a major 3rd. Full major triad
 is implied in background. Fades 25:12
 25:21 – heartbeat with creaking and wind. Lampshade enters at 26:25, and heartbeat gets
 more irregular. Gets very loud, and distorted, the levels are not good.
 28:17 – lampshade with wind.
 30:40 – test tone.
 31:14 – high pitched buzzing with wind and slow heartbeat. At 31:33 more buzzing
 enters over it and throbs.
 35:20 – very low rumbling, with occasional low clangs.
 36:47 – slow heartbeat, creaking and loud, swirling wind
 39:29 – buzzing with waves
 41:55 – buzzing and underwater bubbling, and wind.
 44:12 – electronic tones playing atonal melody with countermelody. Lampshade enters
 after about 1 minute.
 47:11 – electronic tones playing same atonal melody with countermelody. Lampshade
 enters at 48:05. ends 50:10

DD052 – Lowell 2
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 :00 false start
 ::20 – buzzing with throbbing and heartbeat. Buzzing ends 3:15. very quiet after this.
 Builds again slightly around 4:25. then fades 4:43
 4:53 – electronic bleed through (accident?)
 5:32 – electronic wind. Creaking
 8:21 – distorted snare drumming (with echo added) Harmonium and harmonica versions
 of “Anchors Away” and “Star Spangled Banner”
 9:27 just “anchors away” with counter melodies, ends in echo.
 11:10 – tape segments, each spliced carefully and individually, of “anchors away” tune
 11:45 – harmonium tone, held out.
 12:35 – mysterious “coming up from the depths” sound, rising.
 15:07 – lots of tape noise.
 15:29 – creaking untreated
 15:40 – test tone
 16:03 – distorted, slowed down vocal track
 20:00 – chord progressions. Ends 22:21
 22:50 – low rumbling (very quiet) ends 25:39
 25:57 – wind and low rumbling (very quiet)
 29:00 – singing major third progression, with harmonies filling out in background
 32:00 – singing major third progression (after long pause), with harmonies in
 33:27 – singing major third progression, now with additional voice in background in
 harmony, lower. The harmonies are more pronounced here.
 34:37 - percussion
 Switches to 15ips
 Mozart! “La ci darem” from The Magic Flute, echoed, followed by the original, ripped
 from an album
 Buzzing, with pulsing buzzing over it.
 Delia and Brian singing, Brian saying “Sorry!” when he flubs it.
 Brian and Delia singing dissonant intervals, sustained
 Harmonica, star spangled banner.

DD053 Various Synthy
 1. fast moving synthy tune. Bass line, white-noisey percussion, melody, and
 quieter alto part. Ends 1:13
 2. 1:19 Dudley sounding bass line (sounds like season 8) with percussive treble
 elements. 3:19 fade
 3. 3:25. more abstract synthi. Not dudley sounding. More Hell House sounding.
 Builds to climax and stereo bass in octaves. 4:25 fade. Stereo
 4. 4:34 liquid bass line. “Viol” like melody with plonky synth line in call and
 response. Another synth line appears over the viol melody later. Carefully
 mixed stereo. 6:25
 5. 6:30 Stone Tape like opening. Various atonal synth lines, but melodic and
 pitched. Square waves. Stereo. 8:17 end
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 6. 8:22 Dudley sounding synthi plonkings. Melodic descending chromatic
 progression. 9:50
 7. 9:55 melodic synth tune. Melody, bass line and chords. Stereo. Cuts off at

DD054 – voices
 Man and wife speaking (contains the “He Loathes you” passages used in DD047)

DD055 – I Loathe you
 Short excerpt of spoken dialog

DD056 – I Loathe you
 Dialog between mother and father. Occasionally, the child says “I loathe you”

DD057 – I Loathe you
 Longer excerpt of dialog

DD058-59 films

DD060 – Synthi
 Recorded at 7.5ips. The label on the tape suggests this, but it is a little unclear if the WHOLE tape should be 7.5.
 Starts with one sound. Layers are then added upon this of the same sound. Like vibrating string that has been slowed down. This then gets mixed up into a very complex, noisey pattern.
 Very slow fade at end (over two minutes)
 Total time 19:16

DD061 – copy of Doctor Who sent to Enterprises 9/12/63

DD062 – “Ways of Seeing – Many Takes”
 Synth. Based on JS Bach two part invention 13.
 Suddenly switches speed after 5th take from 15ips to 7.5ips. (I changed the speed in the dub)
 12 takes total.

DD063 – George Newson Concert, Radio Recording
 Newsom taught at Goldsmiths Electronic Music Studio, 1970-72
 Wrote “The Man Who Collected Sounds” for BBC in 1964 (Tx 1966) dir by D.
 Cleverdon, TRW 6192, 7065. Delia prepared the electronic tape for this production (and Germany)
 1. “This Gap of Time” (1968)
 Based on A Winter’s Tale
 Fl, ob, cl, tpt, trb, perc, vc, db. 8 minutes
 2. “Alan’s Piece Again” – for Alan Hacker. Solo bass clarinet and 4 track tape. Studio fonologia helped put the tape together. In 1 movement divided into 3 sections.
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 3. “[something] ensemble”. Speed changes for this piece from 15ips to 7.5
 written in 66 but revised for this broadcast (1970)
 3 movements. Originally called concerto for percussion and 8 instruments.

DD064 Amor Dei makeup
 1. untreated female chanting (skips on tape)
 2. :27 fast forward soundsing
 3. :34 straightforward version of chanting with no echo or treatment
 4. 1:04 voices treated played back at different speeds.
 5. 1:34 voice chanting single pitch slowed down and reverb added (looped?)
 6. 2:42 same chanting on single pitch raised 5th, to mezzo pitch (original pitch?)
 7. 3:37 same chanting on single pitch raised again to octave up from first
 8. 4:10 same chanting on single pitch raised again up another 5th.
 9. 4:48, different speeds played at same time, briefly
 10. 5:03 chanting down m3 from original speed
 11. 5:51 4th up from 10, single pitch
 12. 6:41 up m3 from 11.
 13. 7:54 up M3 from 12 (minor triad 11, 12, 13)
 14. 8:44 up P4 from 13 (quite high now!)
 15. 9:16 up m3 from 14
 16. 9:51 up M3 (last three have formed minor triad)
 17. 10:30 back down low,a M2 up from the triad previous
 18. 11:30 up 4th
 19. 12:40 up 5th
 20. 13;16 up 4th
 21. 13:57 lowest mixture of pitches derived from above (primarily 10, and 2 others)
 22. 14:50 low range mix of pitches derived from above
 23. 15:41 low mid range mix of pitches derived from above
 24. 16:34 same collection without lowest pitch (number 5)
 25. 17:24 mid collection
 26. 18:25 high mid collection
 27. 19:15 bottom of high collection
 28. 20:02 high collection
 29. 20:45 higher collection
 30. 21:18 higher still collection
 31. 21:51 same but without lowest pitch in 30
 32. 22:24 continuing higher up
 33. 23:03 even higher collection
 34. 23:39 highest collection
DD065 – More LSD treatments
 Begins song with the strings and treatments from halfway through.
 Followed by instruments isolated with no vocals
 4:22- wobbulator tones.
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 4:47 – violins, treatment
 DD066 Kaleidophon Demo etc 9:53
 1. Mug Old Fashioned Root Beer 0:00-1:00
 2. 1:04 Haggar Permanent Pressed Slacks “forever pressed plus” 2:05
 3. 2:10 crazy fast-moving tune. “help” fade. 3:02
 4. 3:05 Mercury cougar “mixure of familiar and electronic instruments” 4:18
 5. 4:20 Cougar commercial: does what the previous commercial described. 5:17
 6. 5:25 Yenko with Kaleidophon (brian's voice)
 1. LWT call signs
 2. ident phillips ad.
 3. bristo's lanolin shampoo
 4. titles for tv series“who is”
 5. huntley and palmer's biscuits
 6. london lemons
 7. restless relays
 8. new synthesizers “some of the sounds you'll be hearing in the seventies”
 9. again “here are some of the sounds you'll be hearing in the seventies” cuts off

DD067 – Long Piece, titles, flutey. Dramatic Organ stuff.
 This doesn’t sound like Delia. Synth. Sounds like Delaware with other organ sounds added.
 First piece ends 2:35
 First piece repeated. Ends 4:46
 5:24 – synth sound effects. Stingers. Ends 7:11
 7:35 – repeat
 9:40 – mysterious flutey melody. Ends 13:15
 13:56 – synthi melody played with rhythmic counter in background. Ends 15:56
 16:00 – random computer blips, sound effects
 16:35 – repeat of synthi melody played with rhythmic counter in background. Repeated again. Ends 20:50

DD068 – Singing Waters voice tape (see DD026)
 Reading of poem from DD026 with no treatment, many times.
 Just like in DD026, the synth noodling is at the end.

DD069 – Singing Waters Treatment tape (see DD026)
 Treated version of voices

DD070 Blue Veils Flute
 Flute, up to three at a time, playing simple melodies. One more prominent than the others
 Total time: 1:43

DD071 Delian Mode
 Longer version of the original track
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 Exactly the same (commercial version is 5:35) and then continues on past the commercial version’s end for another 2:30.

DD072 – Call Sign?
 Many takes of short tune, and broken into various elements

DD073 – Good Sinister Background
 Fantastic extended track, with lampshade elements.

DD074 – sci fi sounds
 End contains dramatic chords from earlier reel

DD075 Brief Lives [TRW 6792?]
 Note on tape says “taken from Pat” – Patrick Garland was Producer of TRW 6792. TX
 6/5/68, 9.15pm, BBC2 Colour
 Sounds like Brian singing
 “reminiscences of John Aubrey (1626-1697), one is paying a visit to an old man who makes up for absence of friends by recalling them all” Show originally starred Roy

DD076 – IIE100 Makeup
 Inc. Morse and archive recordings, Gladstone etc. Ref. TRW 7397

DD077 –Relays
 Tape says 7 1/2, but I’ve transferred at 15.

DD078 Male Drone
 0:00 - :08 false start
 :10 – 1:16 long low drone, sounds like trumpet in background. “men’s” voices build in background

DD079 – Cilla on the moon
 Random collection of cues, including Ziwzee, mouse on the moon

DD080 Early kaleidophon Demo (tracks listed on label)
 1. London Lemons twice
 2. :19 Who Is theme 3 times “Fresh Aire” from Tomorrow People
 3. Way out?
 4. 2:23 Who Is theme twice
 5. 2:54 Bank, twice
 6. 3:07 Bank, twice
 7. 3:20 electronic, twice
 8. 3:36 descending electronic pattern, varied once
 9. 4:02 London Lemons twice
 10. 4:18 moogies bloogies, stops and starts. Begins again. Ends 7:25
 11. 7:54 wobbulator sounding, rises and echoes
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 9:04 cuts quickly to electronic bass line, and concrete rhythmic pattern slightly blurry, coming into focus (same as other pot au feu rhythm), tape sped up gradually.
 Clears to sine bloopy arpeggiations, then morphs (quite nicely) into moogies
 bloogies! No vocals, just electronics. Variations on moogies bloogies, and rhythm
 pattern (not part of the finished song) returns, sped up.
 12:43 – pot au feu both rhythm and bass, without top stings from that track. New
 14:18 pot au feu rhythm continues, sort of, but with ocean waves now, and
 subdued arpeggiations. Rhythms die out, just waves and arp.
 12. 15:28 – White Noise. “Without sound”
 13. 18:32 major scales, simple melodies and “mattachin”-like percussion underneath
 14. 20:48 – Familiar Sounding Tune? White Noise?
 15. 23:00 – rhythms. Machine sounding. (Elec Engineers Exhibition? Chalk Farm?
 24:25 “melody” enters, coordinated with the rhythms, sounding like random
 pitches above the increasing speed of the white noise rhythms. Whole thing
 repeats, and very interesting. Ends 29:18

DD081 – Master
 Trumpet with treated background. Tape says “tail out”, but it’s the right way round.

DD082 – Master Foreground 1
 More trumpet playing (DD081) but without treatments. You can hear voices in the background.

DD083 – Master Foreground 2
 Trumpet with treatment (DD081)

DD084 Paddy Kingsland “Tamariu” from 4th dimension LP, copy master with count-in)

DD085 Shortwave Listener’s Corner
 Introduced by Dorothy Logan, TRW 6166 or 6300
 The proms are 70. (this dates the programme to 1965)
 Laurence Spicer interviews DD. She demonstrates sine waves, square waves, wobbulator, white noise. She plays Arabic Science and Industry (contains wobbulator and square waves)
 Shortwave listener’s corner theme. SWLC in Morse

DD086 – low strings, etc
 Label says, “low strings, Ships work, african xylo, finger cymb, knocking”

DD087 – big bell (lots of labels)

DD088 – random sound effects (multicolourtone organ?)

DD090 – Penderecki 7 1/2

DD091 – untreated “listen to the sound” vocals

DD092 – flutey treaments
 Starts with treated flute, then is original flute session untreated. 24 minutes total.

DD093 – London Bridge, ARP synthesizer

DD094 edits (first section)
 Guns. Ogron guns? Dudley Simpson synth sounds.
 2:22 rhythmic section begins, wobbulator, with mechanical sounds added. 3:42 ends.
 3:48 space sounds, Brian Hodgson “Attack of the Alien Minds”
 backwards sounds and voices
 5:39 synth octaves and glissandi ends. 6:33

DD094 edits (second section)
 :01- readings from bible. With echo added (in stereo)
 trumpet playing (not old one, but new)
 4:50 “and all that guff” looped, with radiophonic background ala gavin bryars. 6:00 end
 6:07 synthi glissandi
 6:30 synthi bass lines (deffo Dudley)
 7:10 Dr. Who synthi glissandi end 8:56

DD095 – miscellaneous things, throughout long tape. Needs indexing

DD096 – Pilot Piano Master, 7.5
 Very small reel.
 Solo piano music
 1:33 M2 take one – dissonance on piano, series of dissonant chords, quietly played
 M2 take two – dissonance on piano
 5:11 next take (with echo added)
 6:30 – next take with no echo, with “nani nani booboo”
 7:25 – next take (with delia’s voice, sounding a bit tipsy!)
 8:20 – M5 take 2, then slower version of tune.

DD098- Lyre Treatment
 Echo and treated sounds. Roars at end

DD099 – R/Port OB Rough Finals
 Beginning is possibly meant to be 71/2. Recorded whole tape at 15ips, until 17:30, when the tape moves to 7 1/2 during jazz. Followed by news report.
 Lots of noodling. Dies Irae, other melodies

DD100 – “2001 chord” and other labels (short tape)

DD101 – Delia Tapes Transferred to small reels
 Tape one: Kook copy – English speech loops
 Sexy single mouth
 Sexy boat mouth

DD102 – Delia Tapes 2
 Frogs d.sp.
 Prec. By Br’s dogs
 [pure madness]

DD103 – Delia Tapes 3
 Thunder? 7 1/2 (ST)
 To S1 fx (M)

DD104 – Delia Tapes 4
 (may be end out)
 Can 1 Flutey
 F/b btr/2 spd.

DD105 – Delia Tapes 6 [missing 5]
 (may be end out)
 Tempohon flute

DD106 – Delia Tapes 7
 Low flute

DD107 – irrelevant label
 Flute and dulcimer music. Becomes, backwards treated sounds, with buzzing and electronic trumpets
 Treated whispering, interesting clockwork patterns
 Returns to song with flute, then back to treated sounds, with chime sounds

DD108 – rising tones
 15” electronic, long echoey pitches, overlapping.

DD109 “Delaware” Doctor Who theme bits
 Makeup elements for Delaware version of the theme
 5:50 – voice “714 to crowd control receive another”
 versions with many more echoes than in final

DD110 – Various!

DD111 Dance from Noah makeup
 :00- individual fragments of melody.
 :52 quatermassy sounds, and countermelody line elements
 1:45 low elements, what sounds like experiments with synth bass lines for Noah. Then complete lower melody
 2:40 bass elements, bass line complete. (sounds a bit like Paddy’s “Whale”
 3:14 rhythm track
 4:10 sound effect, then back to rhythm track
 5;54 sound effect sound, but with melody, then back to rhythm track
 10:20 ORCHESTRAL Drums! Then back to rhythm track!
 Essentially, then, 11 minutes of rhythm track. It isn’t a simple loop, but varies. It alternates between three without echo and three with, but not regular, sometimes it skips a beat

DD112 – G Macbeth Speech
 Discussion of 1970 Science Fiction film festival
 Brian Aldiss, voice
 “A modest atmosphere with monsters”
 Just the intro!!! Where’s the rest!!???

DD113 – Amazing complex sound painting
 Includes speaking, music. Opening rock section that is spliced together in very complex and seamless ways.

DD114 – harp mat.
 Lots of harp with echo

DD115 – VP (VA)
 Unidentified synthi, simple tune with reverb. In different keys, slowed down and sped up.
 Sounds like a short sig tune.

DD117 – Bell-like material

DD118 Dance from Noah
 Melody, with different bass line. Simpler and with no rhythm track.
 42 seconds long

DD119 – plucky harpy things

DD120 – unidentified sig tune “sig of something”
 Recorded at 15”

DD121 – Copy of? (BH label) – tail out
 Undetermined speed. Electronic Piece. Recorded both 7 1/2 and 15ips

DD122 – No label, Unidentified rhythmic piece
 Rhymic track followed by Tomorrow People-type music.
 Then dance of Noah

DD123 – synthi stuff (unlabeled)
 See DD126 (sounds like elephants!)

DD124 – copy thin master long and short
 Bach. Masters followed by separate bass and top lines

DD125 – Crescendos

DD126 – no label (synthi stuff, as DD123)

DD127 – high synthi line (very short)

DD128 – high synthi line (very short)

DD129 – “Work is…” loops

DD130 – Unidentified Rock Music
 Same as DD131, guitar blues jamming, no vocals.

DD131 – More unidentified rock music
 Blues rock, no vocals, just jamming. 15ips

DD132 – Interview with Anthony Mendleson, costume designer (The Boys from Brazil).

DD134 – Media, 1st working tape
 3 tam-tams, 4 medea speeches, 7.5 Kaleidophon box

DD135 – Dietrich (15ips)
 Marlene Dietrich, Time on my Hands

DD136 – No Label (15ips)
 Unidentified electronic music (brassy sounds) Kaleidophon? Vorhaus?
 Tune played twice, then elements broken down
 Then gentle melody, like a call sign, played twice

DD137 – Atmos Indian Macbeth
 Various sounds inc. Dalek Corridor. Heartbeat wind

DD138 – Various classical recordings
 Timings all over the place. Mostly tail out and 3 3/4. Some 7 1/2?, some reversed. Separate channels as well. Needs sorting. Bach organ music (Toccata and Fugue in D Minor, passacaglia, etc.)

DD139 – C-W&T Lion Basic Voice - 1st group (Mike)
 Voice treatment of the same short speech. At end, all the original untreated versions and vowel sounds, whispered and spoken.

DD140 – Radio Brighton Train Idents
 TRW 7341 Ideas. Memo in box
 From RW, Rm 8, MV Extn 277
  Sub Enclosed Tape, Radio Brighton, Train idents
 To Bob Gunnell, Manager, RB 30.1.71
  Here is a 7 1/2 ips copy of six preliminary ideas. Myself, I feel that something on the lines of the last two woul.d be the best idea to pursue.
  I shall be interested to hear your comments on these, and whether you have any ideas on a different style or form.
 Delia Derbyshire

DD141 Newley 1 of 3
 :00 – 3:29 Moogies Bloogies. Straightforward song.
 3:30 MB begins with second chorus then into speaking part. only left channel.
 5:48 MB No vocals, different opening. Missing whistling melody line, just support, at
 beginning. Ends 8:20
 8:24 MB Instrumental track, no vocals. Ends 10:56
 11:06 MB Instrumental track. No vocals. Ends 13:32
 13:40 MB end 15:47
 15:54 MB opens right with Newley vocals section, “It’s raining,” different at 17:38-17:47
 ends 18:21

DD142 Moojies Bloodgies – A.Newley 2
 Make-up tape. Very Fragile.
 Contains all the elements for the song from the beginning. Each spliced version, then the edited version, next to each other. Splices very sticky and unstable. Repairs made

DD143 – Cloud 1 of 2, Moodgies Bluedgies 3 of 3
 Opens with a man speaking. 1:00, music from “The Dreams” briefly.
 Ends 20:19
 Moodgies Bluedies follows after

DD144 – C-W&T Lion Basic Voice – 1st Group (Mike)
 M/u and treatments. Unit Delta Plus box
 Opens with brief echoey flute
 “We did it, we won the battle” speech, by a different actor. Turns out it’s a motor oil commercial. Still a bad american accent. Followed by a series of accents. New York,
 Sergeant Major, posh, etc.

DD145 Brian’s Backgrounds
 :00- simple pitches, repeated at intervals an octave above in unsynchronized loops, and irregular pulse underneath (Capsule Oscillation: Dalek Destructor Fuse/Bomb Countdown), but extended.
 1:06 explosion (thunder)
 1:21 space texture (used in Dr. Who) stereo, tomorrow people
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 3:34 blubs gloops, like water, and wind. Ends 5:44
 5:44 continues after the fade at 5:44, with swoops, fades again at 6:06
 6:09 control room sounding bleeps and blips, turns into atmospheres
 11:30 whooshing sounds start (but still one continuous track from before)
 13:00 returns to opening space texture, but sped up slightly. Ends 14:15

DD146 – Oh White Woman – speech tape
 Funny french dialog

DD148 – One Under the Eight – stereo mix
 Master 15” George Newsom, electronic piece, reduced from 4track.

DD149 – Methuseleh 3 copy 7.5
 Opens beautifully, with speech and sounds effects, whooshing. “Go HOME!” ends 1:14
 1:20 – vocoder rhythmic pattern. 3 or 4 tape loops simultaneously. End 2:02
 2:06 – Lilith monologue: “they have accepted the burden of eternal life” with slight echo.
 Ends 7:54
 7:57 – complex hum with overtones, gradually acquiring new pitches and beats. Channels
 drop out, and enter. Ends 15:15
 15:20 – atmosphere, repeated loop. (tomorrow people?)

DD150 – 1/2 track Mozart Clarinet Quint
 Terrible condition, mono live concert

DD151 – unidentified voices. Parmentier. Metric Micrometric.
 The two channels are different, need to be separated. Right channel reversed

DD152 – Military Band
 Opens with reverse rock song, then military band
 Jimmy Howard, Scots Guards
 Put rock song at end in correct order.

DD153 – no label (15ips)
 Vcs3 wibblings. Tape mostly blank (edited to remove)

DD154 – 7 1/2 Speech
 “oh fat white woman” starts with slow organ music
 Frances Cornford “To a fat lady seen from the Train”
 Interesting vocal treatments on an abstract scene.
 8:00 – organ returns (on tape before?)
 “Oh fat white woman” starts again
 organ chords between each little speech. Does this help with the treatment?

DD160 Egypt Programme 1 (TRW7529)
 1. master opening titles (with Delia speaking) :21 – 1:09
 2. 1:11 “forget about this, for interest only, sent to radio enterprises, 2 and 1/4
 mintues” it’s like titles, but fades into atmospheric track at 2:17 ends 3:51
 3. M1 of Egypt 1. “rather more than you need, 2:30 minutes” 4:18 Atmospheric
 track, like abstract bells tolling, pitched.
 4. M2 and M3 “starts at 820 feet, runs to 875, starts again at 889-925, one long cue, with paul’s approval” “Im afraid you’ll have to choose your bit, I’ve given you 3 minutes.” 7:56 – this music is from Amor Dei, first section! 14:27
 5. M4 (still programme 1. Footage 1116, to end at 1185, approx 45 sec. “Bit of
 6. M5 (prog 1). Consists of master mix and also of the submixes M5a and M5b.
 footages are from beginning of slash 7ft, beginning of desovle into tunnel. Sun
 starts to emerge at 230 ft. 256 ft, first impression of the carved top of pyramid.
 The whole ends at 275 1/2. Start 17:07.
 a. 19:30 the tut trumpet enters
 b. m5a “u for universal” mixes “you may have some use for this later” 20:50
 c. M5b second half of the mix. Starts at 28:18. it’s the trumpet elements

DD161 Egypt
 1. opens with a rhythm track, and clapping canastas or spoons with a different
 rhythm from the radiophonic one.
 2. 1:15, repeats rhythm and spoons. Ends 2:21
 3. 2:32, piano or harplike descending melodies end 4:40
 4. 4:54 trumpet fanfare (like M5) end 6:07

DD162 Ron Grainer Bread 1
 1. stereo tune. Left channel, rhyhtm track, right channel 16-beat bass. Center,
 repeating bass. Melody above center. Lasts entire tape: 4:01

DD163 Ron Grainer Bread 2
 1. same as above

DD165 Stockhausen study 2?
 Starts with Stockhausen piece, then turns into jazz, three blind mice. Fades

DD166 – Ray Davies, “Gotta be Free”
 Tune played twice. First at 15, second at 7 1/2

DD167 – OED/TR 90 VI
 Speech. Ringo Starr? Vampire count? Reading from Dracula? Short passage repeated
 several times

DD168 – Rifkin plays Scott Joplin
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 Opens with Brahms or Chopin piano music
 Orchestral music follows
 Then a piece for oboe and piano, interrupted by oboe concerto fast movement,
 Mozart Serenade No. 12.
 Finally, partial recording of sinfonia by Nicholas Borne
 There is no Scott Joplin on this tape.

DD169 – Goon Show
 Fiddle Playing. BH wrote label. Why Goon Show?

DD170 Demo Tape
 1. :00 electronic sounds, ends :38
 2. :38 excerpt from Amor Dei (11:38-12:35) ends 1:35
 3. 1:36 orchestral music, atonal. Electronic treatment or orchestral instruments with
 trad together like Collages (but not). Sounds like live performance. Ends 2:44
 4. 2:44 test tones, sine, square, white, then more complex electronic tones, with
 vibrato. Ends 3:45
 5. 3:52 synth piece, pitched with drone synth bass line. 4:38 ends
 6. 4:40 “Time To Go” without explosion at end, just fades
 7. 5:04 rhythm pattern from DD080 23:00 but with more echo and without the top
 electronic melody
 8. 5:33 sine, square and sawtooth tones, with filtering and ADSR.
 9. 6:20 Delian Mode extract ends 7:56
 10. 7:57 Stockhausen’s Gesang der Junglinge extract 8”51
 11. 8:54 Beatles day in the life. Ends 10:58

DD172 – Science and Health listening copy –
 Identical to album version

DD173 – Stereo workout disc copy
 Instructional record about stereo
 Bach and other pieces taken from record. This section is recorded in 3 3/4 speed but the
 transfer is at 7 1/2
 11:17 – too fast jazz
 12:00 – fiddling with noisy connection in left channel for next 15 minutes (also too fast),
 with piano concerto in background
 ends 24:00

DD174 – Chains 7 1/2
 Radio drama

DD175 – two songs
 1. ?
 2. Can’s “Outside your door”

DD176 – unreadable label
 20 minutes or so of random computer blips

DD177 Information Please
 “How is Electronic Music Produced”
 DD interview at 5:26. TRW 6160? (missing from RWS archive)
 Half-track only, tranferred to mono file uses mostly the Dr Who theme as an example,
 breaking down.
 Greenwich pips, “slow down, speed up, alter the quality” plays “Time To Go” without
 explosion like DD170 demo. Alters the host’s voice.
 10:56 interview ends

DD179 Brighton Festival
 Rhythm pattern from DD080 WITH top melody this time (is this Brighton Festival?)
 Speeds up like in DD080

DD180 Ads Demo
 Brian’s voiced demo from DD066

DD181aa – tape loop
 Written on tape (15ips), “Loop 3 congos – sp bowl – cymb, cymb reversed – spooled tube
 – sp bowl – “

DD181ab – tape loop
 Written on tape (15ips), “Loop 1 & 2”

DD181ba loop recorded both 7 1/2 and 15ips
 “loop 1 – hi – med – attack – low – med – at med – at hi – low – [leader] – at hi – at med
 – at low at med”

 “loop 2 – sp bowl – sided[smear] – tambourine – bongo –

DD182 – Palmolive and Mouse on the Moon copy
 Appearance of “rain water man”, etc. each sound effect, labelled and described for

DD183 – Cecil Wright & Topping Show. Film Copy 7.5
 “milo”. Tardis Computer sound at start. Unit Delta Plus
 jazz around 6:30
 8:23 – melodic atmosphere, with background.
 8:45 “we are the music makers and we are the dreamers of dreams” with fiddle.
 9:45 – bach air sped up slightly
 followed immediately by Back on the piano, with strings and singer
 11:23 – pot au feu
 11:50 – “Good day sunshine” by the beatles, treated with echo and wobbly reverb
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 13:15 – tomorrow people atmosphere, with speaking in background
 13:50 – end of RW track??? Which one? It’s slipping my mind
 back to Beatles
 17:10 – descending humming

DD184 – ICI Fashion Show Makeup tape 1 copy
 7 1/2ips

DD185 – ICI Fashion Show Makeup tape 2 copy
 Sound effects. Mainly reused from other sources to be identified
 Label says 7 1/2, but correct speed is 15”
 Speed changes at 3:45 to 7 1/2
 Extra reverb added to some familiar tracks

DD186 – Bank Extracts from tape a
 Rock song “She’s Tiny”
 Followed by carefully spliced sound effects, with leader separating each cue

DD187 – Unused Bank Prelim
 Computer blippy. Recorded at 7 1/2. Voices in the background.
 Interview afterward with French actor.

DD188 – Frankie Howerd, Way Out
 VERY fragile. Lots of awkward leaders, and entrances. Makeup with lots of splices.
 Repaired along the way.

DD191 I Have Decoded You
 W/ Newley. Backgrounds. The melody is doubled by both vocals and electronic line.
 Ends 1:39
 1:40 – repeated “I have decoded you” identically

DD192 – String Quart.(david W) (66): Film Music (electronic) 67

DD193 – SF copy masters BTR 2
 Pot au feu elements. (not spliced)

DD194 – The Cloud 2 of 2, F. Chagrin. S. Brown
 Recorded at 7 1/2 because the speech that follows the animal noises is at that speed, but
 I’m not convinced it shouldn’t be 15”
 Opens with electronic animal noises, wolf howls, etc.
 Tape very fragile at end, made numerous repairs.

DD195 – London Lemons Master
 Various elements of London Lemons, in different keys
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings

DD196 UDP Demo (Unit Delta Plus)
 1. On the Level
 2. Bloopy
 3. way out th
 4. newley twice intro
 5. way out
 6. love [something]
 7. lazy rain
 8. work
 (previous were 15 min)
 Who is – twice
 Bank 2 – twice
 Bank 1 – twice
 London lemons – twice

DD197 Wendy Jones, Throat Cancer

DD198 – On the Level Demo Mus

DD199 – Work is a four letter word

DD200 – Who is Master MU
 Fascinating example of Delia keeping everything. All makeup for this brief track is here.
 She calls it “treated ripple”

DD201 Brighton Festival: Labyrinth and Beachcomber
 1. “Delian Mode” – longer version as seen in DD071, but fades at 7:53
 2. 7:54 rhythmic track. Three layers. Related to “Pot au Feu” (same rhythm track).
 Waves added towards the end. Identical to secion 11 of DD080, but doesn’t end,
 continues instead with guitar and xylophone with waves in background. (Beachcomber?)
 at around 12:35 the “Pot au Feu” rhythm returns. Then, 12:28 (at what was 9:04 of
 DD080), the section that morphs into Moogies Bloogies appears. Just like there, the fast
 rhythm then reappears, speeding up, but now fades at 16:15

DD202 Pollock 2 bands
 Paper in Box says “Sound Negative Report” 21.2.74
 Prod. Company, 8, 9, 10
 Production: Pollock
 Type of stock and Emulsion No. Zonal
 System: K
 Special Lab Instruc. 16/2 be from 7 1/2, 2103/22
 Tx take 2, music, tracks
 210’/16 mm Zonal
 signed MJ Parrish
 Shimmery sound effects, many takes, with variations.

DD203 Delia Demo
 1. opens the same as DD170.
 2. Jumps to DD170 track 4 at :38
 3. Track 5 of DD170
 4. Track 6 of DD170 (“Time To Go” without explosion at end)
 5. Track 7 of DD170
 6. Track 8 of DD170 (“Delian Mode” extract) ends 5:00
 7. Track 3 of DD170 (the orchestral excerpt)
 8. Track 10 of DD170 (Stockhausen)
 9. 6:36 – “Forbidden Planet”-esque sound effects.
 10. 7:31 – jazzy music with sound effects in background, crowd sounds, speeding up.
 “America’s Wonderful”
 11. 8:24 – The Beatles “A Day in the Life”

DD204 Demo
 1. “new worlds” by John Baker :40 ends
 2. short ident sounding electronic pieces
 3. 1:24 middle section of “Pot au Feu” with high pitched drone addition. Ends 1:42
 4. “A New View of Politics” 1:46 begins. 2:24 ends
 5. “Door to Door” 2:27 begins 2:48 ends
 6. “Mattachin” 2:50 begins (slightly cut off), 3:37 ends
 7. 3:48 abstract atonal electronic music, manipulated with tape (sped up, reversed,
 slowed down, etc.) Not Delia, I don’t think. Ends 6:40
 8. “Air”8:19 ends
 9. “Ziwih Ziwih OO-OO-OO” ends 9:57
 10. “Science and Health (Mike’s Choice)” Distorted and treated with reverb and
 extra sounds.

DD205 – high flootey stuff
 Slow moving treble patterns

DD206 Top Gear (John Peel) (is this TRW 7098? It’s missing if so)
 :00 Stereo, slow synth lines. Diatonic pedals.
 :49 John Peel’s voice enters. His voice is treated outrageously,
 2:18 voice emerges untreated
 2:31 voice with echo returns, and cut and pasted in different order. Replays the same
 texted section with different treatments
 4:03 untreated JP talking, completely untreated. (you can hear Brian’s voice in
 4:39 reassembled tape, leading into the first version of the tape without treatment.
 5:54 opening music (slow synth lines) – no voice. Ends 8:10
 8:10 extreme vocal treatment and electronic processing. Ends 9:21
 9:24 electronic opening music again
 10:14 extreme vocal treatment and electronic processing.
 11:25 electronic opening music again
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 13:11 new electronc music, with what sounds like a plucked guitar. Ends 14:10
 14:15 test tone for pitch-raising, followed by voice treatment, with the voice rising.
 15:32 electronic melody, with echo, then with vibrato, descending.
 16:04 repeating electronic loop (like Buchla)
 16:54 lower pitched texture, like slowed down sirens with wind blowing

DD208 – Hamlet film material
 Original: lots of splices. Be careful!

DD209 – copy Film Hamlet 3rd session
 Speed changes at 16:50 from 15ips to 7 1/2

DD211 – witches master and makeup
 Recorded at both 15 first, then 7 1/2

DD212 Egypt Titles etc.
 Orignal label read:
 1. Title Music Mix
 2. Trumpets
 3. Trumpets
 4. Castanet Loop (short)
 5. Falling Boys
 6. Outdoor Flowering (1)
 7. Grand Booms as in (4)
 8. MYST (1)
 1. tut’s trumpet – opening credit music. Ends :35
 2. :47 test tone. Opening credit music with different balances. 1:28 end
 3. 1:37 again credit music. 2:07 end
 4. 2:36 false start. 2:47 starts again, differntly, just trumpets
 5. 3:44 trumpets, pitched differently (lower), but background drone, followed by
 untreated trumpet recordings of various patterns
 6. 5:37, clicking sounds, like bad rough clock. Like “Girl in the Fireplace”
 clockwork men. Ends 6:59
 7. 7:18 descending lines. Voices? Ends 9:07
 8. 9:45 synth pulsing line, from opening of Top Gear (although much longer) ends
 9. 15:40 another slow moving pattern. (sounds like it’s constructed out of voices)
 end 19:00. Continues 19:20, ends 23:11.
 10. 23:30 lampshade opening. Sounds like Delian Mode variation, with echoey acid
 drops like in DM. false ends 31:30 (with a few pauses in track) , again at 31:55,
 ends 32:20

DD213 Egypt
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 Trumpet Melange Speed Change Tape. Possible Master and Copy.
 (Samples at various pitches as marked on leaders
 Two Different Melanges:
 DD214 Egypt Chanting etc.
 Egypt Hymns to Nile Voice Mix
 Golden Music Atmos
 Chanting F
 1. abstract patterns (some material from Delian Mode)
 2. 8:59 “Golden Music Atmos”? end 12:45
 3. chanting. Pitch altered by tape

DD215 – Wildlife Argentine (TRW 7598?)
 Label says 1. ARE (Arg?) opening
 2. Short Opening / Closing
 3. Bass Loop
 1. Insect chirping, in loop until :21
 2. same thing, chirping, in loop, until :39, slightly different
 3. same thing, chirping, in loop, slightly different. Until 1:17
 4. same thing unitil 1:43
 5. just background until 2:26
 6. just crickets and maracas. Until 3:08
 7. just crickets and birdcalls without maracas. End 3:51
 8. just crickets and birdcalls ends 4:10
 9. just crickets and birdcalls ends 4:34
 10. just crickets and birdcalls end 5:04
 11. just frog croaks ends 6:02

DD217 Egypt Reel 3 Master,
 1. “Band One: Closing” – ends :47
 2. prog 2, M4: tape treated pipes. 1:52 ends
 3. 1:58 Band 3, prog 2, M5 like closing, and M4 with treated pipes. End 2:47
 4. 2: 49 Band 4, prog 2, M6. ends 3:42
 5. 3:44 prog 3, M1, Band 5. 4:20
 6. 4:20 bnad 6, prog 3, M2 (trumpet), ends 5:23
 7. 5:24 band 7, general material as used in prog 2 M46, BIZ,
 three bands, three chords with front; three chords without front, then finally flutey
 bits for one minute

DD220 Various Delia
 1. :00 scales, in cello like sound
 2. 1:24 reversed fx.
 3. 1:30 echoed synth rising, several times 4th time, no echo.
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 4. 3:00 final explosion of Delaware Dr Who
 5. 3:05 stereo: bass tone in right, clicking in left
 6. 4:20 atmospheric drone, building up to Tut’s trumpet and big cadence. (Item 6
 from DD34 Raven and Dove)
 7. 6:23 Dance from Noah
 8. 8:21 repeat of 6
 9. 10:24 Egypt main titles – fades into atmosphere, then return of trumpet
 10. (MA) Ult Premix MYST & ??, Disc premix mel 4& mel 5
 11. 17:07 Disc pre-mix Tr & Drum (Egypt)
 12. 17:47 Pollock Music 1
 13. 22:05 Pollock Music 2
 14. 24: 30 Rhythm track: bass part of “Pot Au Feu”

DD222 Aztecs
 MA writes “Probably Chronicle programme, Cortez and the Conquest of Mexico, TRW
 6955. Some voice idents (Delia)
 1. treated string sounds, like prepared piano. Ends

DD225 – Poets in Prison makeup tape
 At 10:30, tape changes speed, with lyre song, from 15ips to 7 1/2
 Returns to 15ips at 13:40

DD228 – B Heavy Sinuous
 Mechanical noises, clanging, machine sounds
 Familiar RW tunes, with additional treatment. Ziewee zee, etc

DD232 – Ray Davies song

DD235 – Unidentified. Lampshade stuff?
 Ends with Egypt

DD237 – scribes, hyroglyphs
 Recorded first at 15ips, then at 7 1/2

DD239 – WIA4letter word

DD240 – WIA4letter word

DD241 – WIA4letter word

DD242 – no label: Towards Tomorrow stuff

DD245 – Copy Paul Patrick. Studio Rec Tape 1, 2. V&G
 Tone clusters

DD246 – Copy Reel 5
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 Percussive banging, with treatment and bass lines

DD248 – "New Day m3b, m5. Bells, bowls? Delian Mode?
 Beautiful atmospheres

DD249 – copy of 11th ap master of 4 (part) &5

DD250 – 6 Ap Master Opening & Prog 2, M4, 5, 6

DD251 – Carl Flute
 Various labels on reel, giving times, etc. it has 7 1/2, but unsure if this relates to tape.
 Recorded in 7 1/2
 Carl Flute 3 – rightway selected
 4. 2x rec rep
 5. 1st rec. rep ⇓
 7. mix of 5 and 6, 100u
 9 mix 5 and 6
 10 = 7 ⇓ 4th 7 1/2
 8 = 6 tra

DD252 – various meaningless labels
 High flutey sounds in loop, with echo. Obviously a rerecorded loop, with tail added.

DD254 – Odeon Clarinet
 Says “Pompeii” in Brian’s handwriting.
 Slow clarinet patterns. Treated.

DD255 – Pompeii Chronicle.
 “Julia: 1. Opening seq to entery into Odeon”. Also written “Gladiator Thrusts”
 laughing, with electronic bleeps part of the “spacey” texture.
 Sounds like Gladiator Thrusts to me! Very loud and cacophonous, huge crowd noises.

DD257 – no label
 Electronic arangement of J.S. Bach piece.

DD258 – lyre
 Recorded at 15” (although it sounds too high, Delia’s voice can be heard occasionally in
 the background at this speed)
 Plucking of lyre, with splices separating different sections (sometimes in unusual ways,
 cutting off lines, etc).
 Followed by the sound of dying elephants.

DD259 – Plymouth (BH label)
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings
 This is a familiar tune. We’ve heard it before. But WHAT IS IT???
 7 times repeated, then elements

DD260 – IEE 100 Peter Z
 Vocoder material. Stereo opening

DD261 – Rough Cut 1 copy
 Piano noodling, with treatment, and distortion. Nani-nani boo boo
 Brief second of Motown! Then piano continues

DD262 – Cubism song copy, approaching the 70s
 opens with oranges and lemons
 Song sung by vorhaus. WHAT IS THIS???
 Great zoos of the world

DD263 – tail out. Copy of Cubism
 Starts at 7 1/2, with alan hoddinot’s folk suites. Then jumps to 15.
 Then becomes cubism documentary, with radiophonic music.
 Also contains the mystery White Noise song! (DD262)

DD264 – Brian or Delia and Brian
 Swampy sounds, bubbling with background wind and tones

DD265 – Delia – Toulouse Latrec

DD266 – label irrelevant
 Rhythmic, dancey stuff on Synthi
 Very interesting

DD267 – Chronicle, Spain Peninsula

DD268 – Play for Today sig (BH writing)

DD269 – whale sounds. Recorded at 7 1/2
 Then recorded separate file, DD269b, which is after the first leader, at 15ips

DD270 – Pomp Basic 1
 Starts with crowd noises, then banging on things, and scraping.
 13:30 – speed changes to 7 1/2, scrapings continue. Squeaks at very end.

DD271 – Amor Dei material

DD272 – Heavenly (BH) –
 Opens with slow moving progression, then knocking
 Back to Amor Dei, ends with Blue Veils and Golden Sands
 Draft version of Delia Derbyshire track listings

DD273 – Heavenly Choir
 From Amor Dei

DD274 – A Meditation
 Discussion of psalms
 Accompanied by lyre, flute, etc.
 Radiophonic Treatments: waves, backgrounds, etc.

DD275 – Master (BH)
 Banded Master, to be identified
 At 6:25, new tune, bleepy with echo, begins

DD276 – sig many takes (BH)
 Starts with Delaware Who, then other bleepy thing, cuts off

DD277 – trumpet
 Tail out

DD281 – Rough RH for Stephan


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